
Romantic relationships are a lot like friendships. Both kind of relationships require a lot of spending-times-together to grow and get closer, to give someone a special bond with another.

Through time, these relationships level up until it comes to the comfortable point that the bond becomes almost seemingly inseparable... some are kept for forever, but some bonds come to the point of breakage. Like a dead leaf falling off a tree.

The reality of life is that all things come to an end - but you know what sucks more?

It's when bonds that you spent years building through stories, friendship, love, and experiences, crumble down behind your back without you knowing.

It's when people who you had fun with, trusted, loved, shared your time, attention and secrets to, apparently don't feel the same way about you. At least not anymore.

And there goes that dead leaf off the tree, falling ever so uncaringly on to the ground, never to be part of the tree anymore.

Some things got me thinking that time and effort spent on building these special bonds don't matter anymore. "Pinagsamahan" may be as good as nothing. In the end, when the party's over, it's either you're invited to stay for the sleepover or asked to leave never to know a sleepover even existed after.

This, I think, is my present understanding of the thing called 'bullshit.'

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About Me

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20 year old city girl who loves the city lights. Crazy for art, spontaneous eat-outs and drive-aways.
